Three Key Facts About the Public Oral Health System in Victoria

Snippets from Looking Back Looking Forward: Oral health in Victoria and Australia 1970 to 2022 and beyond, will be featured in this and subsequent newsletters.

  1. Waiting times for general public dental care have not changed substantially for the last quarter of a century. They were 21 months then (25 for dentures) and this is similar to the five-year average now.
  2. The total number of practitioners in the public system grew by 12% between 2009 and 2020. This was almost entirely more oral health therapists. However the current total number is 14% lower than the 2014 peak.
  3. There have been significant improvements in the oral health of Victorians generally over the last 50 years. However inequality has increased: the tooth decay gap between health care card holders and non-card holders rose from three to six teeth in the 12 years to 2018.

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